Sustainable Access in Rural India
ESB 327
IIT Madras
Chennai - 600 036
+91 (0)44 2578939
Email: contact-sari@media.mit.edu

ICICI Ltd. (principal sponsor)
Mr. Ray Stata
Internet Business Capital Corporation
n-Logue Communications Pvt. Ltd.
IIT-Madras, MIT, Harvard University
McKinsey & Company Inc.
Satyam Infoway
SARI Board
- Ashok Jhunjhunwala, TeNeT Group, IIT Madras
- Jayant Sinha, I-Gyan Foundation and McKinsey&Company Inc.
- Michael Best, MIT Media Lab and Media Lab Asia
- Colin Maclay, Berkman Center, Harvard Law School
SARI Project Management
n-Logue Communications Pvt. Ltd.
- PG Ponnapa, CEO
- Elizabeth Alexander
- Y. Srinivas
Partner Institutions
- Dhan Foundation
- Center for Entrepreneur Development, Madurai
- Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai
- Madurai Agricultural College and Research Centre
- Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
- The Government of Tamil Nadu
- Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu
SARI Research Team (past and present)
- Robert Jensen, Harvard KSG
- Eduardo Acuna, Harvard KSG and Business School
- Chris Blattman, Harvard KSG
- Marco Escobedo, MIT Media Lab
- David Huang, Stanford University
- Akash Kapur, Oxford University
- Blandline Ripert, French Institute
- Mirium Rubalcava, Harvard KSG
- Randal Simon, Harvard KSG